Our Story
The Full Story
In 2017, EDUCO Education was established to support students throughout their educational journey and instill an academic confidence enabling them to reach their full potential. To fulfill this desired goal, EDUCO founder, Matthew Lawrence, created a structured program to prepare students for upcoming final examinations. The program was led by two instructors and enrolled a maximum of 10 students per class. From here, EDUCO services and resources only began to grow and expand; reaching larger populations of students across Newfoundland and Labrador including first year post-secondary students. At present, EDUCO offers several different programs and resources to tailor to the needs of all students in our province.
Over the years, EDUCO expanded from a small team of 2 team members to a team of 25+ (We're growing everyday!) EDUCO has supported thousands of students through our private tutoring program, junior high and high school final exam review sessions as well as post-secondary review sessions. To academically support a larger number of students across the province, our team designed and developed workbooks that are used as a resource within our programs and have been shipped across the province of Newfoundland and Labrador to an abundance of communities. EDUCO has worked toward removing educational barriers and ensure a larger number of students will have access to educational resources and receive the support they need.
Recently, EDUCO has recognized the challenge of making the transition from high school to post-secondary education. Due to this, EDUCO has worked diligently on post-secondary focused programming and implemented several group review sessions for first year post-secondary students to ensure a stress-reduced transition.
The goal of EDUCO Education expands beyond academic support and achievement. At EDUCO, we are committed to implementing programs that give students the opportunity to identify their personal goals and work towards achieving them, building strong connections and finding a confidence that not only enhances their academic achievement but also prepares them for all aspects of their lives. Our services seek to reduce educational barriers and provide an array of programs that will meet all academic needs.

Our Purpose
To break down educational barriers for all students.

Our Mission
Through innovation, collaboration, and state-of-the-art technology, EDUCO's mission is to provide a suite of educational resources for students of all ages to support and enhance their educational journey.

Our VIsion
To be the leader in innovative educational solutions for students of Atlantic Canada